Miguel Gonzalez-Bolívar

PhD student at Macquarie University

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Physics PhD student - Macquarie University

Astrophysics | Hydrodynamical simulations | Stellar collisions

Simulations. Simulations (dust).

I'm a 3rd year PhD student on Macquarie University located on Sydney, Australia. My research is on a particular phase in stellar binary systems called common envelope (CE).

This phase occurs when one of the components in the binary expands or, due to another process, overflows its Roche lobe (its gravitational dominant region). By this point, it is most likely that the primary gas is already being transferred, for the most part, to the companion at a stable rate. Once certain threshold is reached, the mass transfer becomes unstable and the CE phase begins. The primary gas engulf both components and the orbit shriks due to the angular momentum transfer to the gas. Recently, I have worked on implementing dust driven acceleration in CE using the Bowen model.

The outcome of these interactions are of great interest for astronomers, since they may explain the existence of objects such as assymetric planetary nebulae or gravitational waves sources.
